Ash Goes to Europe

Thursday, January 11, 2007


Hey everyone!

I hadn’t posted a blog in a while, so I figure I was due for several!!! Internet is hard to find sometimes… especially because the free internet at the café isn’t working at the moment….but I figured out how to use wireless at school…Ill I hafta do is find the one random corner that has WIFI!
I met ppl!!!! This is very exciting for me… a Greek girl, a few ppl from Qc, one girl from Spain, a girl from Findland (she lives in the same town as Koivu!!!)… they are just as confused as me… which is nice to here! We went out last night to a local bar... my eyes were burning because Im not used to everyone smoking... it's gross. It was fun though... good to get out and meet some other people who are also on exchange. And some of them even spoke english!!!!!! YAY! I also met someone on the train because he heard our Qc accent.. and he's from Qc... loves it! Phil, (Sofia’s bf) also called me and we did lunch…Sofia comes down to Montpellier almost every weekend, so Ill get to see her soon. A little taste of home will be nice! Saturday I’m going on a day trip to Marseille…I figure, if anything else, I can meet more ppl…
Went to another class – philosophie du droit – (just for u Stephy!) The teacher is super nice and is also in charge of the international students so I figure he understands a little of what I’m going through…

Still missing home!


p.s. there is a cat that lives in our school...


Blogger Kristelle said...

wow!!! when you post a lot!!!!I'm very happy that ur making new friends cuz like that you guys can help each other out...maybe the spanish girl will help you with ur spanish...and is my little dictionnary book helping you....cuz i think when a teacher ask you a question you should in the lonely planets book....heheheehehe...

anyways i was late for class today so i didn't go....which kinda sux but instead i'm studying like a big nerd in the library which is empty.

why is there a cat in ur school???

say hi to sofia

it's freezing today in montreal...-12 degrees:P bbbbbbbbrrrrrrrrrrrr

take care!
p.s do you have grey's anatomy over there???

6:41 AM  
Blogger Steph said...

New friends, you say? How much do you love those?? Except when they are annoying, cuz that's just, well, annoying. But they are SO much easier to ditch when you are abroad...
Mmm... smokey bars. That's disgusting. Have you noticed yet that absolutely EVERYONE in Europe smokes. And they roll their own cigarettes... for the longest time, I thought everyone was rolling joints in public. Freaked the hell out of me it did.
In other news, I'm in class right now with Nif and Kristelle. Nif says I type too loud. Well, she can just shut the hell up!!
Ok, I'm off for real now. Keep up the good work on the blog... glad to see you have no junk posts yet (like "Looks like someone needs Viagra... click this link for more details.") those are so not cool.
Ok, bye. I love you beaucoup beaucoup beaucoup!

12:18 PM  
Blogger Steph said...

Er, Grey's Anatomy... what can I say? Well, let me say this; having to wait three weeks for a new episode of ER is a real piss-off. Seriously.
I've decided I'm not going to fill you in on the goings-on of those two hospitals as I think it would be much better for your sanity to watch them all in one sitting, marathon-style (unless, of course, you beg... I don't do well with begging).
I love you beaucoup beaucoup beaucoup!

9:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Ash,

Seems like you went on a posting frenzy - Cool!

Just so's ya know, I am downloading last night's ER and Greys Anatomy as I type! Cool cliff-hanging episodes - Oh My!

I hope your campus cat does not make you sneeze like my dogs do. I would like to know the name of your foul-tempered "politique et média" teacher so I can break out my very best French and give him a good old fashioned Québécois "Char de marde"!

Take care Kiddo and keep posting,


4:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My ashley! Omg! I can't believe all the things that are going on in your life! I'm so mad at that teacher for you... he better know that you got friends here in Canada and you're not afraid to call them up! guh what a jerk that really peeved me off lol.
Anyways, more pleasant things. The food sounds amazing! MMM i think i could handle the baguette and the croissants and the coffee...
And English speaking people! That's awesome! It sounds like you're honestly meeting people from all over the world.
I'm a little scared about what you said about the gypsies... can you please write something to reassure me next time you're on? Cuz that's just freaky.
I really like this blog thing... kidna makes us feel like you're not so far away! I'll be finding out about Ukraine soon, and if not I might be headed to France with Melo. I'll keep ya posted on that.
Well, it's time for track, but please, keep safe and try and buy some mkind of padlock for that door. And don't let some jerk of a teacher bring you down! oh and tell the Finish girl that she is SOOO cool! Love you hunny, keep safe. xxooxox alyssa

9:33 AM  

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