Ash Goes to Europe

Monday, January 15, 2007

Dear Diary

She sells sea shells by the sea shore

Dear Diary,

Today I went to the beach… yes, you read it correctly… the beach… in January! It was +20 today! Everyone was walking around in their winter coats, and I was in a t-shirt! (Could I have looked any more like a foreigner? I think not!) The Mediterranean Sea is great!!! I even collected sea shells! And to matters even better…I went with FRIENDS. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, Ashley Trainor has friends! I was even invited for dinner at my Quebec friends’ villa (im jealouse!)...we drank wine and feasted on yummy Italian food that my Italian friend made!

Don’t forget me!


Canadians and Greeks do Montpellier 2007

Dear Diary,

Today I went to Marseilles with a bunch of international students (the Canadians and the Greeks took up half the bus!) It was a great day trip…except I was super tired from the night before! We had a bus tour in the morning with random stops to climb up all the stairs of the Cathedral, and take pictures in the fish market and the Mediterranean Sea. For lunch we ate the Marseilles “platter” … la bouillabaisse. Basically they gave us a huge platter of fish… THE FULL FISH… head, eyes, bones and all!!! We had to cut off the head, skin the fish, pull out all the bones… and then put the actual meat in our plate with a type of soup sauce… it was sooo good! I took before and after pictures! The after pictures aren’t very appetizing! Afterwards we went out…obviously!.. cause you know, I have friends now!!! We went to a bar…except here the bars close at 1am…so afterwards we went to an after-club. I got robbed… well almost. There was no coat check so we piled out coats in a corner. There was always somebody watching our coats. Near the end of the night a woman (who was either really drunk, high, or a really good actress) frantically started freaking out, saying that she couldn’t find her purse. The girl who was watching our coats obviously got distracted and that’s when the other woman started looking through our coats. One of our French friends (who knows what goes on here) realized what was happening and pushed the woman to the floor. In her hands were my trampass, cell phone and KEYS. I freaked out. She also had the camera of one of my other friends. She got the 5$ that I had left in my coat, but thank god it was only that…
I’m enjoying the social life…still hate school… but things are definitively looking better!!!

Miss you lots


The cat in the hat

Dear Diary,

I have decided to name the cat Justice…original eh!! I know… I try!!!

Oh… and I’m getting kicked out of my rez on the 15th of March for renovations….this is just great…

Also… what’s with paying to pee? You pay 35 euros and you don’t even get a toilet seat or toilet paper…

Keep me posted on the mtl gossip!!!



Blogger Steph said...

Hhhhmmmm... you have friends, eh? I hate to say I told you so, but I told you so!
As for paying to pee... that part doesn't get any less weird. Especially the part about there being a cashier in the bathroom. What the hell? I mean, you have to wonder about that. What if you are on a date? What's the etiquette there? Is the guy supposed to pay? Like "Hey baby, this pee's on me!" Frickin weird Frenchmen (and women)
Bouillabaisse sounds revolting, but I always knew I'd agree with Ron on this one!
I love you beaucoup beaucoup beaucoup!

4:46 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey you. How scary is the fact that you were almost robbed! I'm totally freaked! At least it turned out ok but that was an extremely close call.
The fish thing... you actually took the bones out??? AHH! I wouldnt be able to do it lol.
A cat named justice and paying to pee... I can tell your life is interesting! Plus going to the beach... so happy for you! Get a tan for me please, im starting to look freakishly pale.
Gotta hit the books but I'm glad life is treating you well. BE CAREFUL FREIG!!! love ya aly

11:56 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Ash,

Ok, so if you really want to keep your Montréal friends, you really should not boast about hanging out on the beach while we are being blanketed with 15 cm of snow! I believe there is a B word for that!!!!

Of course you have friends - you are too much of a sweetie not to. Dinner in a villa, sounds awful nice and chic.

If you paid 35 Euros for a pee, the restroom must have been run by the lady who tried to steal your stuff - as far as I know 35 euros is something like 40 smackers - you must really have had to go!

11:56 AM  
Blogger Kristelle said...

20 degrees.....i'm stuck walking on mcgill avenue in a snowstorm....damn france!!!! did u eat tortellini??? cuz i want tortellini...hhhhuuuuummmmmm well i'm happy that you've made friends but are they any asian ones???if yes....u better not make them ur lover....cuz I'm ur only asian lover!
as for the can u poop when there is someone there just next to ur stall??? howwwww???

anyways tonight i'm going on my first double date ever!!!! with mark and gab at kanda sushi buffet!!! wwwoooooohhhhhhoo fun fun fun!!

anyways love you and miss you

12:22 PM  
Blogger Steph said...

I know this is not supposed to be used to comment on other people's comments. but I simply cannot resist.

"how can u poop when there is someone there just next to ur stall??? howwwww???"

Wow... wow... I don't know what to say. That girl is maybe just a little bit crazy, yes?? I think so.

1:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Salut Madame Trainor! comment allez-vous!? I haven't seen you for so long, and to boot you're accross the pond mon coeur est brise! well it's nice reading all your diary entries and what not. Wish I was on the beach beats this blizzard thing we're having now... took me 1.5 hours to get home from downtown today by car, it was insane! Well madame, I shall be on my way, I miss you and I love you! Hope you keep having a blast! *HUG*!

6:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey buddy i just figured out the site lol... and i still dont really know how it works
anyway i really miss u... and i hope ur having fun which seems obvious that u r.. im also happy that u made new friends and that u just were on the beach which is even more depressing for ppl here in mtl since today it snowed like crazy and tomorrow its supposed to be -29 degrees!!!!!!!!!!!
anyway love ya and hope ur having fun talk to u soon miss ya
alice xxxxxxx

8:27 PM  
Blogger Kristelle said...

i think to avoid any thief problem u should wear a fanny you can have ur passport,money.train pass...everything on you at all can even go booty dance with it! i remember having a barbie one whne i was like was great!

And yes i admit i'm crazy and you guys have to admit that you love me for that...or else i would just be plain and boring!!!!

anyways ash when i see u next in montreal we have to go the kanda is delicious for 20$ you get all the sushi you want....hehehehehehehe...but no sake cuz it's to expensive over there!

anyways love you and keep on blogging!

7:29 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Ash!

I love reading about your adventures! Don't forget that everything happens for a reason (and a good one too)! I think you should start hanging out with the Greeks and the Canadiens more often seeing as though ever since our phone conversation I've decided French strangers can be pretty creepy....idiot!

Anyways, everyone missees you lots back home! My sister just left today to go join you in France. I'm telling you pretty soon nobody will be in Canada anymore!

Talk to you soon! Luv you lots! Who in their right minds could forget u?

P.S Send good thoughts for our dear Habs who need your support!

8:07 PM  

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