This one's for you daddy!!!
Hey guys (i.e. daddy!)
This morning I had CLASS. I did not open a text book because we dont have any. I did, however, take notes.
Im supposed to have class this afternoon, except that it got cancelled...
I ordered a book online for droit international pé should be proud...Im a trooper.
In conclusion - Ashley does go to school...except school blogs are much less interesting than traval blogs....
Love you!
p.s. Im writing this blog in class! ;) jk...or not...
Excellent. No textbooks. Which, of course, means they can't make you read 10 000 pages in three weeks for your first tests. Fantastic!
How's the accent thing coming along? Do you have any idea what the teachers are saying at this point?
Ya ya.... SUUUURRREEE you go to school... lol. At least you're having fun! More than we can say! :) lovies alyssa
i wish my 8:30 morning classes were cancelled....and that we didn't have damn text books....i hate text books they are so boring...and the glare on the pages hurts my eyes!!!!
any teachers yelling at you??? If they do you say: "Ferme ta osti de gueule colline de bine!!!!!" and they won't understand cuz they don't comprehend le quebecois
anyways good luck with school!!!
Our computer is still down. I
printed up your blog comments about
school to your dad. More comments to follow. Ilove you.... Mom
Hee Hee, you said pénal!
Good to know that some learning is on the agenda! But then again, crazy phone-natzis, mud-sinking, purse-snatching, and so on, all qualify as learning experiences - you just don't get a degree!
Stay safe,
Jo (your personal ER and Greys downloader)
Johanne can't spell Nazi... Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha (said in a sing-song manner!)
That's all.
It's me again...
It is now Thursday, Feb. 8, 11:03PM, which means I've just finished watching Grey's Anatomy and ER.
ER gave me a bit of an orgasm. Only a bit, because my mom was in the room (that's embarassing)!
I love you beaucoup beaucoup beaucoup!
Alright! Fine! I can't spell Nazi, my dirty little secret is out!
But, can you spell Floccinaucinihilipilification? Ha! Oh, hang on, I guess you can now...
oh ashley...glad to hear things are going well. you must be excited that daddys coming. and im staying here...while mom goes to mexico in two staying here. jks jks keep up w/ those blogs.
luv jenn
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